Today, the Deputy Foreign Minister, Alhaj Sher Muhammad Abbas Stanikzai, held a telephone call with Uzbekistan’s Special Representative for Afghanistan, Asmatullah Ergashov, about problems regarding electricity from Uzbekistan.

Mr. Stanekzai conveyed to the SR of the President of Uzbekistan that due to the decrease in the electricity from Uzbekistan, problems have arisen in some provinces of the country including the capital city, Kabul.

DFM requested the Uzbek side to bring electricity supply to levels agreed upon between the two countries.Mr. Asmatullah Ergashov also acknowledged the problem and added that he had raised the issue during discussions with the Ministry of Energy of Uzbekistan.

Thereof, the concerned ministry said that the decrease in power output is due to the cold weather and some technical problems in Uzbekistan.

Mr. Ergashov said that as a result of their efforts, the level of electricity supply has increased upto some extent and are trying to increase the level needed in Afghanistan.