Mr, Li Qun, Deputy Minister of Culture, calls on IEA-Foreign Minister

The Deputy Minister of Culture & Tourism of the People’s Republic of China & the Director General of the National Cultural Heritage Authority of P.R.C, Mr. Li Qun called on IEA-Foreign Minister, Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi.

The meeting underlined in-depth discussions on cultural exchanges between Afghanistan & China, protection of antiquities in Miss Aynak area & the provision capacity building programs in various technical fields to the government of Afghanistan.

At the outset, FM Muttaqi expressed hope that the extraction & processing of copper mines in the area of ​​Miss Aynak will soon commence, ensuring the protection of the antiquities on the site. Additionally, FM Muttaqi called the Wakhan Corridor between Afghanistan & China an important junction of the two countries, deeming the corridor as one of the priorities of the Afghan government.

Later, viewing Afg-PRC relations positive,  Mr. Li Qun expressed his happiness for visiting cultural sites in Afghanistan adding that cultural cooperation between the two countries may potentially pave way for broader cooperation in other areas too.

Calling Aynak Copper Project an unparalleled example of the cultural exchanges of the two countries, the Deputy Minister of Culture & Tourism said that he is accompanied by the experts of cultural affairs on his visit to Afghanistan so as to start the extraction process of copper mines in a manner that ensures the protection of antiquities on the site.