Clarification on suspension of consular services at Afghan embassies in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia

Clarification on suspension of consular services at Afghan embassies in Europe, US, Canada, and Australia
According to the statement published on July 30, 2024, the consular services of Afghan missions in the UK, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, France, Italy, Greece, Poland, Sweden, Norway, Canada, Australia and Bonn and Berlin cities in Germany, such as deeds; endorsements; NOCs; passports issuance; passport extension stickers; visa stickers etc., are invalid for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other departments due to corruption and lack of transparency in their activities, and non-coordination with MoFA.
Clarifications about the statemnt are as follow:
Passport extension sticker

  1. All passport extension stickers issued in the mentioned European countries, the U.S., Canada and Australia are invalid, however, the stickers issued before the publication of the statement which have been utilized to travel to Afghanistan or a third country, and have entry/exit stamps prior July 30th are acceptable.
    Visa Stickers
  2. All visa stickers in the mentioned European countries, the U.S., Canada and Australia issued following publication of the statement are invalid. Those citizens who have received an Afghan visa from the mentioned missions and are currently present in Afghanistan may stay in the country for the duration of the visa, however, after leaving the country, they cannot travel back to Afghanistan with the same visas.
    Deeds and Endorsements
  3. All documents issued by the above-mentioned missions before or after the said notice which are not registered with MoFA shall not be accepted, as the said documents are prepared and issued in non-coordination with MoFA and in explicit violation of the accepted principles.
    At authorized missions in Europe
  4. The following five Afghan missions in Europe, based on their coordination with MoFA, are exempted from the above restrictions and their consular services and documents are acceptable same as other Afghan embassies:
  • Consulate General of Afghanistan in Munich, Germany;
  • Afghan Embassy in the Netherlands;
  • Afghan Embassy in Spain;
  • Afghan Embassy in Bulgaria; and
  • Afghan Embassy in the Czech Republic.