Speech by IEA Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi at the 6th Moscow Consultations Format

President Hotel

October 4, 2024

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
الحمدلله رب العالمین و صلاة والسلام علی محمدو علی اله واصحابه اجمعین، و بعد،
Respected representatives of the member and host countries of the 6th Moscow Format Consultations on Afghanistan,
Good morning to you all.
At the outset, allow me to express my gratitude to the government of the Russian Federation for inviting Islamic Emirate to the 6th Moscow Format Consultations as well, to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for its warm hospitality, and to the Foreign Minister Mr. Lavrov.
The Russian government initiated the Moscow format at a time when the situation in Afghanistan was uncertain and concerning. The Moscow Format has undoubtedly played an effective role by providing the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan with the opportunity to talk and hold discussions with influential countries in the region and beyond even prior to Afghanistan’s independence, hence the Islamic Emirate has always attended these meetings at a senior level.
Fortunately, three years after the return of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, cooperation between Afghanistan and the countries of the region has witnessed considerable progress.

After the People’s Republic of China became the first country to accept ambassador of the Islamic Emirate at the beginning of this year, we succeeded in dispatching our diplomats at ambassador level to the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Uzbekistan following bilateral agreements.
Fortunately, this series continues and we are engaged in constructive dialogue with other countries as well, and the level and scope of our diplomacy is increasing with each passing day. We hope to make progress with other countries as well.
It is also noteworthy that Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic have removed the name of the “Taliban Movement”, formerly associated the Islamic Emirate, from the list of banned groups. These measures indicate the forging of good political understanding and the removal of impediments for further development of bilateral relations. We also appreciate the positive remarks by the high-ranking officials of the Russian Federation in this regard and hope to see more effective steps soon.
Esteemed colleagues,
One of the areas in which the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has made significant progress is the restoration of security and stability in Afghanistan.
Following nearly half a century of imposed wars and persistent instability, Afghanistan today enjoys comprehensive security. Over the last three years, we managed to transform the narrative of Afghanistan from the prevent “security concern” to one of development, economic rehabilitation, investment opportunity, and improving services to the Afghan people.
Given Afghanistan’s unique geographic position, undoubtedly security and stability in Afghanistan is in the interest of all regional countries and beyond.
Over the last three years, the Afghan government, while focusing on government institutionalization particularly the security agencies, has also paid special attention to fighting against destructive and seditionist groups. Due to the effective measures taken by the IEA security bodies, no group holds ground in Afghanistan and none can use Afghanistan’s territory to threaten the security of the region.
It is noteworthy that over the last three years, the majority of the attacks carried out in the name of Daesh in Afghanistan were by foreign nationals who had entered the country from outside.
We take this opportunity to call on all countries in the region to cooperate in preventing the recruitment of their citizens by ISIS and then send them to Afghanistan and other countries to carry out subversive operations.
Intelligence indicates that ISIS has recently been able to establish training centers outside Afghanistan’s borders, which is a concern for the Afghan government.
Occasionally representatives of some countries in the UN Security Council and in the media express their concern about the existence of threats on Afghan soil.
We believe that information gap about Afghanistan or disinformation by antagonist circles has found its way to international organizations.
Our expectation remains to not look at Afghanistan through foreign lenses, rather to utilize sources of reliable information. We stand ready to cooperate thereof.
Alongside security, narcotics which had become a serious concern for the region and the world in the past, all types of cultivation, processing, and trafficking have been suppressed due to the responsible and serious policies adopted by the leadership of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
It is worth mentioning that recently we have witnessed the trafficking of synthetic drugs from abroad to Afghanistan, and we expect all neighboring countries to cooperate in countering this problem.
An independent, secure, stable, developed, and drug-free Afghanistan is in every aspect in the interest of the region and the world.
Esteemed colleagues,

Assured security in Afghanistan allowed us and our economic partners to initiate major regional projects that had unfortunately been delayed for decades.
The commencement of practical work of major regional projects such as the extension of TAPI, TAP, and extension of railway and optical fiber on Afghan soil are among the major projects that were inaugurated by the senior Afghan and Turkmen officials last month.
Meanwhile, these developments indicate that the time has finally arrived to take advantage of the opportunities in Afghanistan – and in the contrxt of regional connectivity, the Afghan government is interested in pursuing practical cooperation by adopting an economy-centric foreign policy.
I would like to mention that the Afghan government remains highly interested in commencing other regional connectivity projects such as the Trans-Afghan, Lapis Lazuli route, North-South Corridor, CASA-1000, and Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Tajikistan (TAT) railway projects in cooperation with regional partners.
Moreover, figures demonstrate that over the last three years, our trade with neighboring countries and the region, particularly Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, and the Russian Federation has increased.
Afghanistan has created favorable conditions for attracting investment. There are good investment opportunities in the sectors of mining, agriculture, energy … (solar, wind, and hydro), transit routes such as highways and railways, and industrial plants.
Esteemed colleagues,
Achieving this goal requires a proper political understanding of each ither and the further advancement of bilateral and multilateral cooperation.
On this basis, I therefore propose that with support of the host country and the members of the Moscow Format, we turn this mechanism into a process of cooperation between Afghanistan and the region.

On the one hand, it will set a clear path and objective for this valuable initiative of the Russian Federation, and on the other hand, it will play a valuable role in the development of practical cooperation between Afghanistan and regional countries.
To end, I believe it absolutely necessary to mention the alarming situation unfolding in the Middle East. Unfortunately, the ruling international order has failed to prevent the indiscriminate murder of the oppressed people of Gaza by the Zionist regime which has practically called into question the work of the United Nations.
Not only was the genocide in Gaza not prevented, but with each passing day, the horrors and crimes of the Israeli regime in the region are expanding.
It remains an expectation that the influential regional and international actors, on account of their responsibilities, will take urgent and tangible measures to bring an end to the killings of the people of Gaza, Lebanon, and other regions.
Thank you.