IEA-MoFA Spokesperson Remarks on the Allegations Hurled by the Pakistani Representative at the Recent UNSC Meeting

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan rejects & dismisses in unequivocal terms the baseless allegations made by Pakistan’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Security Council, claiming that Afghanistan poses a threat of terrorism to the region & the world.IEA-MoFA assures the international community that, since the establishment of the Islamic Emirate of Afghan, all secrets hideouts of ISKP along with other groups have been entirely eradicated within Afghanistan. As a result, no threat emanates from Afghan territory against any nation. Additionally, In rare occurrence of security incident, the perpetrators are invariably drawn from individuals residing across the Durand Line.IEA-MoFA calls on the international community to note that, instead of working on reforms in their own internal policies to secure political, security, & economic stability, some countries are attempting to depict Afghanistan as unstable through misleading propaganda. Such efforts serve merely to divert both domestic global attention from their internal challenges, or to sow distrust between the Islamic Emirate & the international community. Nonetheless, after decades of conflict,ensuring overall security nationwide & the progress in political & economic developments in Afghanistan will remain unhindered by these futile endeavors.