Today, Special Representative of the Russian President Mr. Zamir Kabulov heading a delegation, visited Kabul & called on Foreign Minister Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi.

The meeting focused on strengthening political, economic, transit & regional relations. Mr. Kabulov called policy of IEA balanced & in interest of the region & world, expressing satisfaction with achievements of the new government.

Mr. Muttaqi praised visit by the Russian delegation which included representatives from Ministries of Defense, Interior, Economy,Industry, Agriculture & Energy, & said that Russia, with better facilities, utilize the opportunity created by the new government to assist in several development projects with Afghanistan.Minister Muttaqi said the new government is focused on regional security & connectivity, & wants Afghanistan, as the heart of Asia, to play an important role in strengthening transit, trade, industry & economy among the countries of the region.Minister Muttaqi added that cultivation, trafficking & addiction to narcotics has grown over the last 20 years; a misery that the new government would tackle with medical treatment & providing alternative livelihood, for which we require global cooperation.The two sides called the meeting positive, expressing hope for an expedited and ebduring series of practical cooperation.