Norwegian Chargé d’Affaires for Afghanistan Mr.Paul Klouman Bekken called on the Deputy Foreign Minister for political affairs, Alhaj Sher Mohammad Abbas Stanekzai and held detailed discussion on a range of issues.

At the outset, Mr. Bekken expressed grief over the disaster caused by the earthquake in Herat, offered his condolences to the victims, and recalled the relief of Norway.

Also, Mr. Bekken expressed concerns over the forced deportation of Afghan refugees from the neighboring country.

DFM Stanekzai expressed gratitude for the sympathy expressed, and appreciated Norway’s positive role and assistance, adding that the treatment with Afghan refugees in the neighboring country inhumane and in contradiction with all agreements and established laws.

In the end, along with mentioning the progress the current Afghan government made in ensuring security and stabilizing economy in the country in the past two year, the two sides agreed on resolving issues through dialogue and positive interaction with the Afghan government.