A high level delegation of the International Union of Muslim Scholars called on IEA-Foreign Ministers Mawlawi Amir Khan Muttaqi.

At the ouset, welcoming the delegation in Afghanistan, FM Muttaqi appreciated the position and cooperation of these Ulama and the State of Qatar before and after the victory of the Islamic Emirate Afghanistan.

Appreciating the positive role of Qatari government in the case of Palestine, FM Muttaqi said that the ongoing volatile situation in Palestine, martyrdoms, migration and sacrifices has been extremely painful to us; however, the cost of success is always sacrifices.

Elaborating on the situation of Afghanistan, FM Muttaqi said that there is overall security ensured, day after day, we are witnessing political and economic developments, adding that we are happy to see that for the first time Afghanistan is excelling in various domains, and now it has been included in the list of oil producing countries.

Later, Sheikh Dr. Ali Al-Qaradaghi, the Secretary-General, expressed gratitude to the Islamic Emirate for the wonderful reception and honour, and conveyed the special regards of the leader of the Hamas Party, Ismail Haniyeh, the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman.

Adding further, he said that the issue of Palestine is the issue of the entire Ummah, the responsibility falls onto the Muslims of the world. Meanwhile, the Deputy Minister of Education Mr. Sibghatullah Wasil made a mention of the progress IEA made in the area of education.

Following that, the members of the delegation, expressed their views and said that the scholars of the Islamic world are standing by IEA, deeming it their responsibility, adding further, they said that your experiences are needed, thus, it is compulsory for the Ummah to support you. It is important to inscribe your victories vis-a-vis invaders in the history. The recent earthquake in Afghanistan and the forced deportation of refugees from Pakistan is a test, we believe that you will succeed in it, said the members of the delegation.

In the end, FM Muttaqi expressed gratitude to the State of Qatar for the assistance for the people affected by the recent earthquake and the refugees returning to Afghanistan, and asked them to reflect the real image of Afghanistan to the people of the world.